The Kujukushima Pearl Sea Resort is situated in Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture. It is an ideal resort for the whole family to spend a full day here, refreshing the mind. You never feel bored here for there is so much to do and to explore.
At Kujukushima Pearl Sea Resort, you can stay cool even in the scorching summer heat and make unforgettable memories together with your family.
[九十九島パールシーリゾート 大芝生広場]
Free activities
You may choose to take a walk or play freely in the green grass field. It is also good for walking with dogs as well.
A fun family day
そして、九十九島リラクルーズ、海風の国へ。遊覧船パールクイーン(定員280人)、 リラクルーズ(定員12人)、では、航路が全く異なるので、九十九島のさまざまな景色や形を楽しむことができます。 リラクルーズの乗船料金は少し高いですが、九十九島についていろいろな話を聞かせてくれる船長がとても博識なので乗りがいがあります。
Kujukushima Excursion Boat and Kujukushima Relax Cruise can provide you a superb fun experience out to the sea. As the sailing routes are totally different from Excursion Boat Pearl Queen (280 passengers maximum) and for Relax Cruise (12 passengers maximum). So, you can enjoy different views and shapes of Kujukushima. Although the Relax Cruise is slightly more expensive, it is worthwhile because the knowledgeable captain shares many stories about Kujukushima.
Having said that, we suggest taking the Excursion Boat Pearl Queen in cold winter time. In good weather conditions. you can see the beautiful sunset of Kujukushima from the boat.
Aquarium Fantasy
水の世界のさまざまな海の生き物をこのように間近で見るのは迫力があり本当に驚きました。特に イルカショーは必見です。 訓練を受けたイルカはとてもかわいい。 本当にすごいですね。 子どもも大人もイルカショーが大好きです。
It is amazing to see various sea creatures up close in such a large scale setting. The Dolphin Show is a must see. The trained dolphins are very cute. It is amazing indeed. Both children and adults love the show.
^*^Discounted fare
Discount fare offered to vistors who take crusie and visit the aquarium on the same day.
Seasonal offer 〜
Sea kayaking challenge
Let’s paddle a sea kayak and let’s enjoy safe kayaking.
For your safety, we must follow the instructor’s guidance and complete the kayaking.
Discover delicacies and gifts in Kujukushima Pearl Sea Resort
There is abundance of delicious food options and plenty of souvenirs for visitors.
Access and Parking
九十九島パールシーリゾートまでは佐世保駅から車で約15分。リゾート周辺には十分な駐車スペースがあります。 自家用車の場合、リゾート入口の3番駐車場はリゾートセンターから少し離れたところにありますが、最大3時間まで無料駐車が可能です。
It takes about 15 minutes to drive to Kujukushima Pearl Sea Resort from JR Sasebo Station.There are sufficient parking spaces around the resort area. The number 3 parking lot near the resort entrance offers up to 3 hours of free parking, though it is located slightly farther from the resort center.
佐世保駅 JR Sasebo Station
JR Sasebo Station is situated at the westernmost pint of Japan’s mainland. There are souvenir shops with a wide selection of Sasebo specialties and refreshments for travellers. We highly recommend paying a visit to the Sasebo Tourist Convention Center. The staff there are very helpful and friendly. They are willing to answer any questions you may have regarding sightseeing spots in Sasebo City or surrounding areas.
Optional sightseeing spot nearby Kujukushima Pearl Sea Resort
船越展望台は、鹿子前の九十九島パールシーリゾートから車で約10分です。 九十九島の美しい夕日をとらえるスポットの一つとして知られています。九十九島の南部で海を見るのに最も近い場所としても知られています。
It takes approximately 10 minutes by car to reach Funakoshi Observatory from Kujukushima Pearl Sea Resort in Kashimae.
It is known as one of the best spots to capture the beautiful sunset of Kujukushima. Funakoshi Observatory is also known as the closest spot to view the southern part of Kujukushima from the sea.
A legend in Japan history
■ ある学者が徒歩で土地や山を測量し、日本初の地図を作ったという歴史を掲示している場所もありました。 地図を描くために九十九島を訪れたとき、彼は約70歳でした。 近代の地図製作者は、彼が作った九十九島の地図はほぼ正しいことを検証しました。 本当に素晴らしいです。 彼の名前は伊能忠敬でした(1745-1818)。
Nearby the observatory,
There is a display tells the historical story of a scholar who measured the land and mountains by walking and created the first map of Japan. It is said that when he visited the Kujukushima area to draw a Map, he was nearly 70 years old. Modern cartographers have proved that the map he created of Kujukushima was remarkably accurate. His name is Inou Tadataka (1745-1818).
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